Income tax
Case study 1
Mr x is a resident in country A, and he has a wife and two children.
In year 1:
- Salary – Taxable
- Consulting fee made once – Non-taxable if made once.
- Bank interest payment – usually not taxable?
- Capital gain from selling market shares – Taxable usually.
- Rent payments or inheritance – Taxable in AT, but typically not.
- Lottery wins – in Russia, yes, but generally not taxable. Professional players must pay taxes.
Taxable income: typical sources
- employment – most popular type of income
- self-employment
- business
- agriculture – not a high piece in developed countries
- investment income
- use of intangibles (royalties)
- Capital gains = sales – cost.
Do all sources of income suffer the same tax burden?
For investment income, we have a 27.5 percent tax.
For real estate, we have a 30% tax.
Income tax rates
- there is no natural rate of tax.
- It depends only on policy.
- People usually mean income tax when saying about tax rates.
- Income taxes take a considerable part with nothing in return. It creates anger.
Income taxpayers and nontaxpayers are voters. So the social needs have to be solved by taxes.
Ways to design rates
- Flat rate – the easiest to count.
- Progressive rate increases with higher income.
If you have >1m€ per year in Austria, you pay 55% of tax; >100k€ 50% of tax.
Political parties use the lowering of low-income taxpayers (30-40% of the population) even though they pay too low taxes.
How is income tax levied?
by tax assessment:
- on annual bass
- Taxpayer files a tax return
- The tax office assesses the tax due
by withholding tax (tax levied by payor), e. g., for:
- Employment income
- Investment income
- In some countries: capital gains
Withholding taxes are outsourcing for tax regulators. Withholding tax makes
The employer pays all the taxes instead of the employee.
Tax administration then always gets money at a time without minor problems as in case if employee paid it.
Withholding taxes employers pay monthly.
Pros and cost of withholding taxes
- WHT secures tax revenues
- WHT is efficient for tax administrations (but creates risks for payors)
- WHT usually works on a gross basis (no deductions from WHT base)
Case study: which expenses are tax-deductible?
Mr. X has made the following expenses in Y1:
- €1000 for expert literature (for his job) – Tax-deductible, because the book can be helpful only with his job
- €500 for the business suit – generally tax-deductible, but in some cases, the government can say that you bought these clothes for everyday use. Example with McDonald’s outfit – Tax-Deductible, because no one uses this outfit, not on work.
- Travel cost to the work – Can be tax-deductible and can be not, depends on policies.
bank charges €1000 - Renovation of the apartment last year with €0 for rent – renovation is made once in 10-20 years, so this year was nothing made, so no taxes.
- A donation to the Red Cross of €200 – Is not tax-deductible. It is not based on business will but the will of a person. Sometimes policies incentivize donations in specific organizations.
Is income tax based on a gross or net basis?
Tax, commonly based on net income:
- as a consequence of the ability to pay principle
- Expenses related to items of taxable income are generally tax-deductible
Tax, based on gross taxation
- In scheduler systems for specific categories of income
- Where WHTs are applied – then voluntary tax assessment could be possible.
Specific types of expenses might be declared non-deductible, e. g.,
- if relating to private life
- if relating to non-taxable income
- criminal fines, penalties
Sometimes generally, non-deductible are specifically made deductible:
- Various policy reasons for granting deductions
- E.g., housing loan, interest, specific donations, etc.
Case study
Mr. X has family-related expenses in Y1:
- Child support €500 –
- School fees €5000
Overall, Mr. X covers the general cost of living for his entire family.
Income tax and family situation
Various design options to reflect family situations for income tax purposes.
Individual taxation – not reflected at all:
- Instead, typically, tax credits (or other family subsidies) are granted.
- Overall, family income irrelevant to progressive tax rates.
Family/household taxation – overall family income as a tax base:
-Divided by the number of family members (e. g., was in France)
- Strong lowering effect on progressive tax rates.
Marriage split – Family taxation for married couples:
A limited form of family taxation
- Equal treatment of unmarried couples/singles
- All policy options have different effects